How two weeks of social distancing have played out at the Sanatorium:
The kids have responded miraculously well to it all. I'm sure that will wear off with time, but for the first two weeks, they got along beautifully. I do believe that one of the side effects of life coming to a virtual standstill is coming closer as families.
We've learned together--these three have been pretty forgiving when it comes to learning from their mom.

The day we spent trying to make hexa-flexagons. Two hours and we finally got one to flip . . .
We've worshipped together--Sunday meetings are shorter than normal, but we've had sacrament meeting and Sunday School each week, thanks to videos from the church and members of our ward, and handouts and directions from local leaders and teachers.
We've watched movies together--almost every night. UP, Captain Marvel, even added in some classics like Cool Runnings.
We've also been to stores with many barren shelves, pieced together a few meals when what we wanted was missing, and waved to our friends from six feet away as they walk the neighborhood with their families.
This social distancing will get harder and harder, and I'm anticipating a small revolt this week.
We've worked together--dug a new foundation for our chicken coop and adopted ten new hens (one died after only a few days, but the rest seem to be acclimating well).
This is S'mores, the short-lived member of our flock.
Eve was so sad.
They've been a fun new distraction/addition to our family.
We've played together--almost every afternoon the kids play a few games of "Cover your A$$ets with Marc and Ashley (they live in our guest house and since we live together, we count as family, right?).
It's been pleasant most of the time, to be honest. AZ spring weather is perfection, with the slight breezes perfumed with citrus. We've been on bike rides and runs and walks.
Sounds like heaven, right?
As for me, I haven't made time for my schoolwork. I had a big assignment due last Monday, but it was an excuse letter. I've eaten all. the. things and I wrecked on my bike last Tuesday, which resulted in a very minor concussion and a tweaked back that has lingered till today. I'm hoping by tomorrow I can get back to exercising. But the eating is all my own fault. I'm a big stress eater, and there's been plenty of that intertwined with the Shangrila moments.
So. Many. Good-n-Plenty boxes.
I don't know how I feel about all of the COVID-19 thing. We're following social distancing recommendations. We're fine financially. I wonder if this is all too much because of the economic toll. I wonder if this is all not enough because not everyone is following protocol and that will negate most of our efforts. I wonder if my neighbors are as strict with their kids or if they're stricter (and where should I be in that?). I wonder if someone I love will get the virus--and if that means I'll never see them again or is that just too doomsday and silly. I wonder how long can it continue and how much of our summer will be affected by this new reality we live every day.
It's a weird time, and life has changed in two weeks.
I can't say I hate it. But I don't love it either.
So strange.
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