Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why Dads Are Way Cooler Than Moms

Moms don't think of cool stuff like a tree swing.

Moms think about the ground's surface--it's all rocks and uneven . . . and what if they fall???

Dads think, "Hmmm. That branch would be perfect for a really cool swing."

Dads think to look up the perfect knot online and print out the directions so that it's tied just right.

Kids just think, "This is awesome."

Sometimes Moms need to chill out a little bit.


  1. Ha! I love it. Except I want every tree branch to have a swing on it. And then when I tie one up, we all worry that it's going to break and our children will all die.

    I'm not as thorough as Brad seems to be.

    And I know that corner. That corner was my childhood!

  2. It's true. But I've never been that good at it. Sometimes, I just leave Dave in charge and hide when this stuff goes on….


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