Wednesday, June 5, 2013

School-Year Wrap-Up: Ben and Lily

Ben and Lily--my two resident teenagers.  
Watch for Ben making a cameo at the end with his "One Direction" buddies.

Lily finished her first year of junior high.  Junior high is a hard stage of life, and Lily seems to be muddling through pretty well.  She participated in Girls' Chorus and track and got good enough grades to join NJHS next year. I think her proudest moment of seventh grade was getting voted "best dressed"--definitely not my kid. She grew from a girl to a young woman right before my eyes.
 Lily still shares her excitement for life with us whenever she can, and she's learning to temper all of the emotions that come with being a teenage girl. She discovered who her true friends are and with whom she really wants to spend her time. I've seen her struggle with her attitude and then turn around and try to resolve the situation.  Just like her mama at this age, she's learning to control her tongue--once learning this lesson the hard way.

I know that next year will be even better for her, and I can't wait to watch her take eighth grade by storm.

Love her, and so glad she's mine.

Ben's achievements over the last school-year have been well represented on this blog--two state championships (football and rugby), his first play (Beauty and the Beast), his talent show smolder (One Direction).

What has been underrepresented in these posts is what a great guy Ben is.  He is FUNNY funny sarcastic, a great friend, a pretty decent student (much improved over last year), and very dependable help around the house.

I've found with my older kids that junior year is the year when kids are finally comfortable in their skin, comfortable with their friends, comfortable in who they are.  Ben fits that perfectly. 

Love this guy.


  1. That is a very true statement about Junior Year.

    Can't believe Ben is a Senior next year? What the heck?

  2. You didn't mention how great Ben's hair is looking. I guess why you posted that photo.

  3. So there is hope that next year Drew will come out of this funk????

    My moms theory is that kids are really hard at one period of time in their lives...he's always been our easy one, now he is making up for that. Jake on the other hand, always a handful, such a fun kid right now! Crazy how they are all different!

    Love that last picture of Ben and you and I will have to buckle up and enjoy the ride with these crazy 13 year old girls we have! Leslie is certainly giving us a run for our money these days!

  4. fun video,fun kids! Seniors!?! Weren't they just Cub Scouts driving me crazy at day camp last week? :) Can't imagine what the next year will be like at this time...

  5. love these tributes to your kiddos and that video was awesome...cameo and all!:)
    junior high for riley next year...WOW!
    have a happy day jen

  6. Killer video.

    And your kids are great.

