Thursday, April 11, 2013

Instilling World Domination Skills While They're Young

The kids wanted to learn how to play Risk.
Have you every played?  There's no other game on the planet that can make you this frustrated this fast, and all on the roll of five dice.

There's nothing like an old-school game to bring a family together.


  1. My advice to my YW - play Risk with your intended groom - world domination shows true character!

  2. Jake loves this game! He could play for hours...

  3. i can't wait to play games other than candy land. heaven help us until then. it's been hiding in the basement for months.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh my goodness, my husband LOVES this game, he has 3 different versions...all of which my 2 year old threw all over our living room this week

  6. haha! I think I was 11 when I first played Risk with my 15 yr old uncle and his friends on the back porch of our cabin. They got mad and quit the game early because it was my first time, and I was younger, and I had already commandeered all world powers. Ruling the world just comes naturally I guess. ;)

  7. Heard of Risk but have never played it.

    Thanks for your comment on my post today, Jen. And I know what you mean about people who have just disappeared. I hate that. And I don't imagine myself becoming one...


  8. One of our favorites. I loose everytime. I feel like France.
