Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Elbow Grease and Paint Pants: Finally . . .


I went to the auction this last weekend.


I bought something.


Nothing really big and exciting that needs a ton of elbow grease to transform into something amazing.
 Something I've wanted for a very long time.
 Something that I know I will use and love.

  It may not be new.  It may not be fancy.  It may not have every bell and whistle and computer screen.  But it works.  I tried it out.

 Circa 1981 Singer serger.  I don't sew a ton, so I could never justify the expense of a serger. Since it's old and most people don't even know what this machine does (there was even a random cord of some kind thrown in the box that doesn't belong!), I got it for $42.50--manual, accessories and all. This one will be a perfect addition to my hobby room. Plus, it matches my shutter bulletin board. That's handy.

The funniest part of this experience:  When I showed Brad what I'd purchased, he said, "Finally.  Finally!  Finally you bought something that is actually worth something!"

See?  He knows what it's for!  Now I just need Mom or Karen to come help me figure it out!

Until next week . . .
Going once, going twice . . .


  1. How perfect that it matches!!

  2. What a great deal...and a bonus that it will coordinate with your room! :)

  3. I think you'll really enjoy having that. Katie has one, and it's made such a difference in her finished product! They're great to have, and you got it for a steal!

  4. hold off a bit on your lessons, I recently inherited one and need to learn too!

  5. Hooray! A serger for when I come down to mend. By the way, my serger is not very many years younger than yours.

  6. Diana,
    You could always borrow mine when you come to town!!

    I will come help you figure it out. I love the colors!

    now granted i don't sew that often but when i do i always say "i need to serge this" haha

    in my old neighborhood my neighbor across the street always had 3 set up and 2 machines. (hardcore) and i would run across the street and just use hers. I miss living there....well sort of!

    u need to see the chicken sandwich i made last night....i think you'd like it!

  8. Oh my. I cut off half of a dress I was sewing once when I was a young woman trying to use one of those. Good luck! Great find, btw.

  9. How odd - I was at a swap meet and almost bought one of these - its twin!- on the weekend. I chickened out, as I am totally inept with machinery and there's really no one to bail me out if I get in trouble.
