Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Day I Want Them (and Me) to Always Remember

One day, I walked past Ben's room, and this is what I saw:
Lily had been gone for the morning, and Ben had surprised her by mowing the lawn for her.  Lily reciprocated with this heart attack of his room.  Here are a few of my favorite hearts:
My favorite favorite was the green coupon book with four pages of twelve coupons, each allowing him a time for him to demand that Lily leave him alone.  I don't think you can read the small print on that, but she added (unless you want me back).

As the mother, I often I see myself demanding that they work, begging them to be kind to each other, or ordering them to leave each other alone.  I guess they listen.  Sometimes.

I've had a few questions about Cutting for Stone.

I really liked the book.  I just wanted to be honest about its contents.  Good for adults. Not for teens.


  1. That was so sweet - your Lily has a lovely gift of appreciation.

  2. So sweet!! I haven't read Cutting for Stone yet...in fact I can't read anything right now with this puppy!!! I miss my books! hope you're well... :)

  3. I think that is so sweet Jen. The way your children act reflects back on the parents and I think that speaks very highly of your parenting skills. Your children have love and respect for each other. ~Ames.

  4. Oh I love this! When they are creative in showing their love for eachother, it really melts my heart. And lovin that coupon book!:)
    have a happy day

  5. LOVE love love this, jen!! would have brought tears to my eyes as their mom ...

  6. That is adorable!
    Ya, you are doing something very right aren't you.

    Uh, you said something about snow on my post...............don't say the "s" word please.

  7. Love that! and so great that you happened by *and* thought to take pictures!

  8. I love it when you get the evidence that your children have been listening all along. Thanks for sharing this - so sweet!

  9. So sweet! A proud mommy moment when they do sweet things like that

  10. Wow! See...how do you get your children to understand service. Hummm.

  11. Aww, this is just so sweet :) I love reading about the wonderful relationship between your kids. It just makes me hope that I can have the same experience with E and any of her future siblings too :)

  12. Oh this just melts my mommy heart.

  13. I love when brothers and sisters show their love like this. Nothing warms my mother's heart more.

