Monday, November 8, 2010


Tarfull had to get backup.  You know things are dangerous when TWO wookies are needed. 



  1. I love finding the "set ups" of imaginary worlds all over the house! And I believe it is a 2 wookie day here, too!

  2. I love that you know the names of said wookies. You are most definitely the cool mom!

  3. My youngest brother used to place plastic army men everywhere. Turn on a lamp, and a shower of them fell out. That's what the picture reminded me of. I had another brother who would take his carrot sticks and raisins (mom's idea of a great snack) and hide them under the couch until they curled up and died, but that's a story for another day. Good times...

  4. The imaginary worlds I stumble upon are a bit more pink and princessy!!!
    Enjoy the day

  5. That's too cute :) The question now is... did YOU put them there or did your kids do it? There's nothing wrong with you playing with your kids toys. I do it all the time :)
