Then the park.
Sisters swing. Brothers swing.
Micah was quite crazy. Note the no hands and untied shoelaces.
Mom trying to remedy the untied shoes before a heated soccer match. Not my best side, to be sure.
Invented games. Lily shimmied up that pole, then Micah would throw her the ball and she would drop it down one of the chutes. He had to catch it before it bounced more than twice.
Then, after a delicious lunch with my bestie ( :) ), I packed all the kiddos into the Suburban to see Toy Story 3 at the dollar movie. No fights. No lost children. Only one potty trip during the show. All around a successful outing.
Why were we just seeing the best movie of the summer? Someone had advised me to wait till the wound of my oldest son leaving for college had scabbed over a bit. That was wise advice. I still cried. And my opinion? Best of the three movies. By a long way.
Poor Evie. I thought we should keep her awake so she'd sleep during the movie. I was wrong. She was a puddle of snot and tears by the end of the night. Notice anything new? Evie is now finally facing forward in the car. I don't know if she should be technically, since she doesn't weigh 22 pounds yet, but she is over a year.
Yes, Ben went with us to the movie, but he wasn't at the park. Too sleepy from staying at his cousin's house Wednesday night.
But the funniest thing to happen to him recently? He was heart-attacked for the first time.
Have a great weekend. We're freezing here in AZ. I had to turn on the heater for the first time in November. I know, you think we're wimps here. But it does get below 45 at night. And I have a sweet baby that can't keep covers on yet.

Well that looked like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a grand day to be sure. So glad you finally got to see Toy Story 3, it's a keeper.
ReplyDeleteLoving that Ben got heart attacked, hilarious!!
And the heater? For realsies? I absolutely refuse to EVER turn the heater on in my house. I guess i'm a bad Mom, once again. Then again, my kids are ridiculous heater boxes that would wake up sweaty even in the winter.
Looks like you had such a fun day! I love days at the park.
ReplyDeleteI had to giggle when you said Ben got heart attacked. It reminded me of when I gave one! So so much fun!
btw we are NOT whimps! It has been cold lately. I have brought out the thick blankets!
I cannot figure out where that park is. And it looks FREEZING! ;) I mean, some of you are actually wearing long sleeves.
ReplyDeleteOK THAT FIRST PICTURE...hello lily, look like your mother much? My word she looks just like you!!!
ReplyDeletefun day yesterday for y'all! loved toy story 3..i sobbed twice in it! haha
I love invented games. . .those seem to be the ones that keeps them entertained for the longest!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sweet little angels! They are sitting on my shelf in the kitchen!
As far as the photos: your kids are beautiful, tho u knew the car seat- a cop & dmv told me, doesn't matter the age, its the weight that matters.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous Arizona weather and beautiful children to match! That first picture looks like the very protective older sister making sure all is well before she lets go.
ReplyDeleteSO fun receiving my winning cookies this week! Thank you thank you thank you. I just popped a note in the mail to you. :)
And so the heart attacks begin...
PS. It used to be TPing. I think the heart attacking is better!
I've never even heard of heart attacking, but it sure looks like fun to me!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had the perfect holiday - so envious of your dollar movie theater!!
What a great day with the kids. I was always excited when my kids could face forward. You'd think they would get car sick facing backwards! We still haven't seen Toy Story 3. Maybe we'll rent it this weekend! Have a great one Jen.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great day!
ReplyDeleteThe suggestion these days is 1 year at least and over the 22lbs but I have heard they are trying to change the rules so that it is much older and 30lbs.
I thought of my oldest son going away to college when we saw that movie, too. That's still two years away And I still got choked up.
ReplyDeleteI love that you had a day off of school, and at the park. Toy story 3 was so good, we just saw it last weekend. No excuse like a kid going to college- just trek and girl's camp.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel- I had to have Em backward facing until she was 2- even then I cheated a little, she was still 1 pound short! I think she'll be driving in a booster seat.
I agree. This last Toy Story was the best of them all. And the park looks so fun! Nothing like a perfect day...and weather to go with it, huh.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet. It's showing as an On-Demand movie on our cable box but I didn't want to have to watch it on my own (I know I'll end up sobbing) and Jason hasn't been in the mood to watch it with me. Maybe when he's less busy...
ReplyDeleteYou guys definitely look like you had a blast at the park. It's always so nice to be able to go out and do things with your kids. Staying cooped up at home just makes everyone stir crazy.
Ben getting heart attack is too cute :)
Ahhh... it's a great thing to be heart attacked. He must have a little spring in his step now. Fun day at the park, and a movie night too! What a great day.
ReplyDeleteHey! How come y'all got Veterans Day off. Sounds like good times. I love the heart attack. My Valiant 12 class did that to me when I was first married. I can home from a crummy day at the hospital and there it was. A gazillion hearts plastered all over the front door and walls of my apartment. It made my week.
ReplyDeleteWe have our first flu of the season here at home. Paigey has spent her weekend with the Motrin and OJ. I thought it would be a little bit longer before the viruses hit.
we've had our heat on for a while!! looks like a great day! love your photos!!
ReplyDeleteWe get Remembrance Day off and it turned into a four day long weekend. We loved Toy Story 3 as well. You will need to explain heart attacking? And how can I not be totally impressed with a woman who feels confident to show a bum shot. You're my blog hero.