Monday, August 23, 2010

What Did He Say?

Micah had his very first piano lesson on Wednesday. He’s been waiting and begging for months, and now that school’s started, it’s finally time.
image from here

I went into the first lesson with him, hauling Eve and Hyrum along for good measure. Mr. M’s house is definitely NOT child-proof on any level, so I was preoccupied with the two littles, hoping we could leave before anything broke. Micah wandered over to the window seat, sat next to an enormous bust of Beethoven, then innocently asked, “Is this Nacho Libre?”

image from here
The resemblance is uncanny, don't you think?


  1. Too funny! Though, Micah does have a point there...Nacho Libre does have a strong resemblance to Beethoven...except he seems happier than Beethoven, who looks a bit serious and scary.

  2. How old is Micah? I'm surprised he even said Nacho Libre?
    I guarantee that my children would have found the most expensive, one of a kind, antique in the place and it would have been broken in nothing flat. Let me know if your little guy is still enthusiastic about piano after a couple of weeks. I can't seem to keep mine interested in anything.


    Do you think Beethoven liked to wear stretchy pants... just for fun?

  4. rofl...that is hysterical!
    and ur answer was? hee hee

  5. okay...that is really funny! thanks for the morning giggle.

  6. Hahaahha! I love that children say things to make our monotonous days interesting.

  7. That is hilarious! I can so hear him asking that.

    To answer your comment question...I did end up dropping that bio class and then taking it again later. Hmmm maybe I SHOULD blame my Dad for that. hahahaha

  8. Cracking up...those museum houses always make me nervous!
    Have a great week!

  9. Beethoven looks more intense and brooding, but yeah I can see it. LOL that is really funny.

  10. Oh my word, that is too funny! I would have loved to have seen the piano instructor's expression!

    ~ Tracy

  11. I say he is right on target. How did the lesson go?

  12. So funny! Because it's true. ;) I've missed you so very much!! And apparently your birthday, too. Sorry about that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    I can't wait to get caught up on your blog. :)

  13. Bahahaha, please tell me that Mr. M= Bro. Markum. That would be so hilarious!

  14. Now THAT'S funny - made me laugh out loud!

  15. That was a pants pee-er! I love it
