Micah got his hard cast yesterday. Finally.
This was just after the splint was finished on Thursday. Not looking too happy. But he did get two cool Star Wars stickers in the process!

He was given choices: Batman Black, Superman Blue, Spiderman Red, Hulk Green, My Little Pony Pink, or white.

He chose to be Batman for the next eight weeks. It doesn't look like too painful of a process, does it?

Micah really enjoyed Dr. P. He was funny and he erased Micah's fears quickly.

Accomodations for the new cast: Mattress on the floor--check. Crutches and wheelchair--check. Silver Sharpie pen to write on black cast--check. Lots of patience from Mom as he learns to sleep with a cast on--still looking for that one.
And Lily finished her show.
She had a great time. As you can probably tell. (She's in the orange.)

The guy who played Joseph was good, and he was so kind to the kids in the cast.

One of my favorite things in the world is watching my kids do things they love. Micah refused to stay home from the show, even though our tickets were for Friday night. Thanks to superhero Jere for rescuing him when he fell down in the theatre. I couldn't have picked him up.

Even Tucker, our resident critic, appreciated it. Now it's over, and what are we going to do with all of Lily's spare time?
The black cast is totally awesome!! (Although I'm still sorry Micah broke his leg). Looks like Lily had fun in her show! I wish I could have been there. Ever since Encore did that show for Broadway review, I've just loved it! Tell her she is beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful week Jenny!
ReplyDeleteWhat a drag to have a broken leg, but at least it's not summer. (That's about the only upbeat thing I could think of to say on this subject.)
ReplyDeleteI wish my kids had done theater. A couple of them were really good at it, and they were willing to do things at church, but none of them quite made it over the hump of doing it at school. A bunch of chickens.
(They'd try out for basketball and football like it was nothing, but a play...no way!)
Way to go Lily! You're a beautiful girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm totally lovin' the black cast...very cool. I hope the sleep part can come easily for the little guy.
Thinking of you and wishing you as many moments of uninterrupted sleep as possible.
Lily was super cute in the show. That looks like an awesome black cast! Good luck with that one. I hope your life calms down a little.
ReplyDeleteJoseph was a hottie!! The play was great, and I enjoyed seeing little Lilly dancing so enthusiastically!!