Monday, August 31, 2009

The Best of Surprises

Saturday morning was progressing like any other Saturday morning.
Brad had gotten up and accomplished his yard work for the day.
Ben and Tucker had mowed and trimmed the lawns.
Lily was vacuuming and mopping the kitchen.
Micah had cleaned his room and the family room.
And I was directing the chores in my nightgown.

Then, there was a knock at the front door.
It was my neighbor across the street, asking to borrow a book.
Still nothing unusual.

When I turned around and walked into the kitchen, here was my surprise:
Heidi had come down for two days, thanks to said across-the-street neighbor!
And how did she spend her time when she was here:
Lunch with Tucker.
Shopping with Lily.
Swimming with Micah and Hyrum (and exclaiming at Hyrum's developing speech).
Stake Conference adult session with her fogey parents.
Movies and treats with Ben.
Making her signature rolls for Sunday dinner with the extended family, who were invited over to share in the surprise.
Oh, and haircuts for four of the five boys (including Dad, excluding Ben)!
What a treat!
Thanksgiving doesn't seem so far away now!
Thanks, Kristen. It was just what I needed!


  1. So much fun! Wasn't Conference fabulous?

  2. When what to your wondering eyes should appear....the best surprise ever. Aren't families wonderful?

  3. Lucky! Heidi cuts hair? She is a keeper.

  4. That is so awesome! What a great weekend!

  5. Now THAT'S my idea of a good surprise! What a cutie she is.


  6. So lucky! How much fun is that and she spent the majority of her time with her family, lucky, lucky Dentons.

  7. HOORAY! What a fantastic surprise for you and the fam! Sad I missed out on rolls, ahahahaha.

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