Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

Motherhood is like riding a horse. When you're in the middle of a long stretch without a break, you get sore, tired, and sick of the repetition. But when you have a break and you come back to it, you recognize all the wonderful things that you've been taking for granted.

For example:
Rocking Hyrum to sleep before a nap.
Helping Micah read a story.
Holding both my boys' hands as we climb the stairs to bed.
Having Tucker come wrap his arms around me while I'm cooking and dance with me.
Reading love notes from Lily.
Listening to Ben practice the piano.
Playing "O Divine Redeemer" with Heidi.

But what really gets you back up on that horse quickly is this:
We had our friends the Addingtons over for dinner last night. We've tried a few other times, but something has always come up. It was finally the night. I'd spent a better portion of the day cleaning and cooking and I was really looking forward to seeing them and their kids.
Literally, just as they drove up to the house, I noticed Baby A was crying. It looked like he'd sat in something and was unhappy about it. When I picked him up, I realized that the something he'd sat in was actually diarrhea, and it was leaking down his legs. So I quickly scooped him up, took him upstairs, and began to undress him. I had no idea that diarrhea could split a diaper like that. Picture a diaper after being in the swimming pool. But full of poop. In his shoes. All over the bathroom rug. Poor little dude. Luckily, with such good friends, things like that are not embarrassing or weird!
He was so sick that he wouldn't even eat one of Julie's delish cupcakes. (click here for a pic. They were even better in reality.) Now that's sick.

Epiphany #57--There's no place like home. And nothing like a washing machine in times like these.


  1. Isn't it nice to be home?

  2. Oh, do I remember those poopy/pukey days!

    But on a brighter note...I also recall the love for home and family and even the mundane tasks of mothering that would overtake me every time I returned home from a kid-less vacation. I guess that's why it's so important to take them, because it reminds you what a glorious job motherhood actually is. (Certain horrific diarrhea-related episodes aside...)


  3. I love my washer!! I am always grateful I can throw in the stinky and it comes out clean!

    I am glad to have you home too!

  4. How's Baby A doing now? And, did it pass on to anyone else? Hope not, for your sake! Your poll is closed now, and I am wondering where you and Heidi fell on the scale, and how this topic came about. Was one of you anxiously trying to convince the other to speed up the "getting ready" process?

  5. I hope nobody else gets it. I have known a lot of people with that malady lately and it just goes from one person to the next...it is quite contagious.
