Someone who reads my blog and never posts (and would probably wish to remain unidentified) has requested more pictures. So here you go.
We spent four days in Greer after Christmas and it couldn't have been more perfect for our family. It snowed 6-8 inches the night and morning before we got there, and then it was 45 or so degrees every day while there. I've heard that we picked the best time in recent memory to spend there. We love Greer anyway . . .
Brad put together a book of all the pictures if you want to look at them. Just enter braddenton in the search box. You can only view the first 15 pages (I know, so many pictures), so I thought I'd post a few that you can't pull up. Then, if you really don't want to redirect your computer (or if you really don't want to see 10000 pictures of our family), you can still have a little taste of our trip.

I took Ben and Heidi skiing at Sunrise one day. Unfortunately, Tucker was sick, so he missed out on this fantastic day of skiing. Everyone and their dads in Arizona were there, but we had a great time. I convinced Heidi to do a blue run, and she may never forgive me for it. Otherwise, such a perfect day with perfect snow and perfect weather.

Micah LOVED the snow. It was never cold, so that helped, but he wanted to be out in it every second he was awake. He never got cold or grumpy or mad (except when Brad tackled him and threw snow at him. Then he cried, and said "Why would you want to do that to a little kid?"). This is him on his mountain at the sledding hill.

Lily in the snow. She was a pretty good sport about not going skiing, although she really wanted to go with us.

Heidi with a typical expression of late . . . .

Rum-diddy! He liked the snow a lot, but it did tend to make him a little bit boogery. Baby A, on the other hand, hated every second he was outside. He couldn't walk, he kept falling, and he hated all the clothes he had to wear. Needless to say, he spent a lot of time in the cabin!
Here's Tucker mugging for the camera, in a rare moment not throwing snow at everyone!

This was in the middle of making our snow people. That was one of my favorite memories of the entire trip. We had so much fun! Wish you had been there!
On an entirely different note, Saturday night, when Micah was saying his prayers, this is what he said, "Thank You for my new bunkbed, and thank You that the Oakesons are coming back tomorrow." I thought about this prayer a lot, and so. . .
Epiphany #5--Gratitude to God shouldn't always be just the grand, but should include the simple as well.
Reminds me of Idaho TODAY. I'm glad your family can experience snow like you did.
ReplyDeleteYou know, of course, that Heidi looks EXACTLY like you, don't you?
ReplyDeleteI agree - Heidi is doing a "Jenny" look - Do you think they inherit that or learn it?
we learn it. frankly, its hard not too when exposed to it so often...
ReplyDeleteVery interesting article. I would love to read the book “Start with Why”, by Simon Sinek. I think he has taken a great topic to deal with. Teaching leaders to inspire others is a good idea to bring up a civilized society. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting.
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